altima personnel

Quality care starts with quality caregivers

Altima Personnel specializes in providing in-home personal care or private care with personalized services to meet your unique needs.
When everyday tasks such as preparing meals, getting dressed or running errands become a challenge, Altima Personnel offers assistance with daily living support services so loved ones can continue to live at home independently.
We can meet your private care needs encompassing Montreal and its region.


How can we help you ?

    Our services

    We offer you the highest levels of service

    Skilled nursing at home

    Home health care for patients requiring a higher level of clinical care. At Altima Personnel, we know that loved ones may require extensive medical care due to their age or acute medical condition. We provide skilled nursing care for the elderly, adults and children in their homes by highly trained nurses.

    Complete personal care program

    Flexibility is built into every step of self-care. Experienced caregivers are available as often as requested or on your schedule. Altima Personnel responds to your loved one's needs with a carefully selected caregiver. Experience proves that this level of detail on our side provides you with the highest levels of service, compatibility and continuity of care. We realize that bringing someone into your home to provide personal care services is a big step and requires trust.

    Accompanying care and household help

    Altima Personnel specializes in providing in-home personal care or private care with personalized services to meet your unique needs. When everyday tasks such as preparing meals, getting dressed or running errands become a challenge, Altima Personnel offers assistance with daily living support services so loved ones can continue to live independently at home. We can meet your private care needs encompassing Montreal and its region.

    Respite Care for Family Caregivers

    If you're the primary caregiver providing companionship or household chores for a loved one or friend at home, you're probably exhausted and in need of a well-deserved break. Our respite care service takes you away from the daily grind so you can regain energy and find balance in your life. You can count on us to relieve you and support you for a few hours or a well-deserved vacation.

    Free home assessment
    by a qualified nurse

    935 Boulevard Decarie Suite 215 Montreal, Quebec H4L3M3 Agency license : AP-2101812

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